You will require an internet connection and a home phone Good typing and written skills required. If you would like to apply please send your resume and outline your experience. You recently replied to our job posting on Craigslist seeking customer service reps/ virtual assistants. You are receiving this email from me because your resume has been reviewed , accepted and you have been selected as a possible candidate for the advertised position. We are seeking virtual assistants who will serve as customer service representatives for our credit report and score free Boise security alarm firm. We have customers throughout 46 major cities who require 24 hour monitoring. Your responsibilities will include monitoring remote alarms for faults and contacting the local engineers to service/ repair faulty alarms. Candidates should have average to above average office skills, good comprehension, and should be able to type at a fast pace. Pay is $17.50 per hour and you should be able to work a minimum of 15 hours per week, with the maximum being 40 hours. Payments are made weekly via check or direct deposit. credit reports for free Calls will credit report and score free Boise be routed to the phone credit report and score free Boise number of your choice (this must be a US Number) during the time you are signed into our system only. This will not prohibit you from taking personal calls, as your screen will indicate when it is a call credit report and score free Boise being routed from us.
If credit report and score free Boise calls are not answered after 8 rings they are re-routed to another representative. All applicants need to attend a web based meeting where you will be shown each aspect of the job in details, as well as having credit report and score free Boise any questions answered. Please set aside 1 hour to complete this credit report and score free Boise and also be prepared to credit report and score free Boise take notes. a credit report I have also attached 2 tests which will serve to gauge your comprehension and computer skills. In order to meet our deadline of 1st October start date, all documents, tests and orientation should be completed no later than 1st October 6pm EST.
To receive your invitation to the orientation webinar please visit our website at: and create a trial account using the email you used to apply for the position. After I receive your username and tests, I will send credit report and score free Boise you a few manuals to look over, along with a choice of 2 times to attend orientation, and a file containing fully credit report and score free Boise functional copies of all necessary in-house software that you will need to have installed and ready before the orientation webinar. It will credit report and score free Boise not be necessary for you to purchase any other additional software programs for this job. Please note you are not guaranteed employment until you receive an email from myself entitled "Welcome Aboard".
Before this time all tests, orientation and paperwork must be completed, the results of which will determine your employment eligibility with us. free credit report trial If you have any questions Dolores please let me know.
Recruitment and Training Manager ** Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail ** The information contained in this e-mail is of a confidential nature and is intended only for the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee, credit report and score free Boise any disclosure, copying or distribution by you is prohibited and may be unlawful. Disclosure to any party other than the addressee, whether inadvertent or otherwise, is not intended to waive privilege or confidentiality.
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